The Cloud Forest

There can be few things that sound as mystical as a cloud forest. But this is not something out of a fairy tale, here, in one of the most biologically intense areas in the world, straddling the Continental Divide, lies the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, hailed as one of the refuges of life. most prominent wild species in the New World tropics.
Known as cloud forests due to their high altitude, these very special tropical forests are among the most interesting natural places to visit in the world.
Here, high in the mountains at 1,440 meters (4,662 feet), live more than 100 species of mammals, including five species of cats, more than 400 species of birds (including 30 kinds of hummingbirds), tens of thousands of species of insects and 2500 species of plants (including 420 kinds of orchids). If you take a hike through this forest, you can see the Quetzal resplendent in bright colors in the trees and troops of spider monkeys making their way above.

Monteverde or the neighboring Santa Elena reserves are officially Cloud Forest Reserves, managed on a non-profit basis, and dedicated to nature and conservation. At a slightly lower elevation, Santa Elena is covered in lush mosses and ferns. Vines hang from the twisted trees, making this a somewhat eerie place to walk. There are also great views of the active Arenal volcano. Monteverde is higher and offers fantastic bird and butterfly watching opportunities. On its exposed ridges are dwarf, wind-twisted forests, while in the interior are swamps, streams and tall trees adorned with orchids. The climate in all forests varies, but is mostly humid. The dry season is between December and March, but be prepared. Strong boots and a kagool are essential.
Costa Rica is oriented towards ecotourism like few countries. You'll find plenty of tours, walks, walks and organized holidays and it's wise to explore what's on offer before you go. If you don't want to sink up to your knees in mud, try observing the forest from suspended walkways and platforms. Adrenaline junkies should opt for the zip line experience, where you traverse the treetops on cables strung between the trees. The Visit Monteverde tourism office website is a good place to start.


Monteverde Cloud Forest

Monteverde Cloud Forest

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Santa Elena Cloud Forest

Santa Elena Cloud Forest

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